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Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку "Чаепитие у Безумного Шляпника"

Дата публикации: 2018-02-22 22:34:26
Статью разместил(а):
Рябова Ольга Анатольевна

Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку

"Чаепитие у Безумного Шляпника"

Автор: Рябова Ольга Анатольевна


Данный сценарий может быть использован в качестве внеклассного мероприятия на неделе иностранных языков для учащихся 3-5 классов. За основу взят сюжет произведения Льюиса Кэролла «Алиса в стране Чудес». Во время данного мероприятия ребята знакомятся не только с основными персонажами этого известного  произведения для детей, но и с традициями английского чаепития и этикетом.


Teacher 1: Welcome to our Tea Party!

Teacher 2: Tea party? But where is the food for it? Biscuits? Snacks?

Teacher 1: Don’t worry! We are going to prepare them now. And our students are going to help us. Are you ready?

Teacher 2: What are we going to cook today?

Teacher 1: First, we are going to cook CUCUMBER SANDWICHES

We need: slices of bread



Take  one small piece of bread, put some butter on it, add two slices of cucumber. Then put some bread over the cucumber and put a toothpick through it so you sandwich doesn’t fall apart

Teacher 2: next we are going to cook something sweet like biscuit cakes. We need some cottage cheese, milk, raising, biscuits

Put some cottage cheese in the bowl, then add some milk, just a little.  Then add some raisin and mix everything in the bowl. Take the mixture with a teaspoon. Put it on one biscuit and then put another biscuit on top. Your tea cake is ready.

Teacher1: Now we are ready for some tea! But wait! Somebody is coming! Let’s see who it is

Teacher 2 :  ( now dressed as a Mad Hatter) Welcome to my house! Do you know who I? I am a Mad Hatter. Do you know where I am from? ….I am from Alice in Wonderland Story and these are my friends: ( Alice (?), White Rabbit and Doprmouse) – depends which role other teacher chooses.

What do we usually do at a teaparty? Yes, we play games! Our first game is Motion Madness. When the music plays, you all sit and drink tea. When the music stops, you have to change your places till the music plays again. When the music starts and you sit by the place with no cup, you lose. Is the task clear?

Variant 1: Motion Madness

The Hatter set his table with many settings, even though there were only three guests. This is because it was always teatime and he would move to the next place setting when his teacup got dirty. A good game in reference to this would be to play musical chairs, only instead of music stopping, have someone with their back turned and occasionally yell out, "Clean Cup", then everyone scramble for a seat. Another irritating but fun idea could be when everyone is at the table, the hostess occasionally yells out "Clean Cup", and everyone has to move to a new place and a new tea is poured.

Teacher (Mad Hatter): Did you like our game? I had a lot of fun! Does it remind you of anything? Can you remember what we did in the Disney cartoon and the storybook? (these are the questions if the students have read the book or have watched the cartoon )

 You are so smart and quick! Let’s move to another game:

Teacher 2: (Alice). I see that you are fast enough! But are you smart enough? Let’s test your minds!  I will give you the lists of paper and pencils and you will have to write as many words, beginning with M, H, T, P as possible. Do you understand? Words that begin with M – like mouse

Teacher 1  (Dormouse) Mmmm- Mouse

Teacher  2: H – like in hat,

Teacher 1 : oh yes, I like hats! I am a Hatter!

Teacher 2: P as in a party:

Teacher 1 : We are at a tea party now!

Teacher 1: Ready? Get, Set, Go! You  have exactly one minute

Play M, H, T, P Pictionary 

Make a list of words that start with the letter M. Divide into teams and the first team to guess the most words at the end of a set time, wins. – or the person who has the most words

Teacher 1: Oh no, we have to move places again! Quickly, change your places to another cup! Time doesn’t like waiting

Teacher 2: We managed, phew! I was afraid Time would be angry again. 

Teacher 1: That’s why we, the English, say – Never Waste Your Time!

 Let’s see how well you know the etiquette. I will read to you rules of Etiquette at a tea party. If you agree that it is correct – show me a happy smile, if you think it is wrong – show me the sad smile.

When you want to rub your face, use your sleeve as a napkin.

You must put your sugar in the tea carefully

Stir your tea with the spoon as loudly as you can

Drink your tea slowly, making no sounds when  you drink.

If you want to get something from the other side of the table run quickly there.

Eat your sandwiches with a fork and a knife. Never use your hands.

Never wash your hands before the tea party.

the spoon always goes behind cup, also don’t leave the spoon in the cup.

A guest should look into the teacup when drinking — never over it.

Teacher 2: I can see that you know your table manners well. 

Teacher 1:  Oh no, it’s high time to change places (rings the bell). Quickly!

Teacher 2 : Well, I hope you all liked our mad tea party! If you did – show me your happy smiles! 

Teacher 1: thank you! And here are your presents  – gives each student a smile of a Cheshire Cat…(optional) Do you know what it is? It’s a Cheshire cat smile. It will make you happy!

Teacher 2: Good buy and see you again! Smile!

Variant for Intellectual game: read the part of the text about the tea party, watch the Disney cartoon and spot the differences. 

Данный Вариант  интеллектуальной игры подходит для продвинутых групп, или если учитель хочет усилить литературное наполнение внеклассного мероприятия.

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